Wilsonville operates under the Council-Manager form of government. Policy making and legislative authority are vested in the elected five-member, non-partisan City Council, which is responsible for passing ordinances and resolutions, adopting the budget, and hiring the City Manager (Bryan Cosgrove) and City Attorney (Amanda Guile-Hinman).
Wilsonville’s Elected
City Council Meetings
City Council meetings are typically held on the first and third Monday of each month, at City Hall, 7 pm. Meetings are streamed live on the City’s YouTube channel and broadcast over-the-air by Xfinity (30) and Ziply (32) cable systems.
At each meeting there is the opportunity for the public to speak under "Citizen Input" on items that are listed on the agenda but not scheduled for a public hearing.
Kristin Akervall
Sixth Year on City Council
Charlotte Lehan
26th Year on City Council
Fourth Year on City Council
Ben West
Dr. Joann Linville
Fourth Year on City Council
In May 2021, The City Council and Executive Team completed a two-day goal-setting workshop to guide a two-year work plan. To align the group around a forward-looking state of mind, each imagined how they wanted Wilsonville to look, feel and function in five years by imagining headlines they’d like to read about future Wilsonville. The process yielded a unified five-year vision and values.
Vision and Values
Council Vision:
Wilsonville is a clean, green and safe community for all.
Council values
Diversity, Equity + Inclusion (DEI): We are committed to promoting DEI in the delivery of City services to the community and in our organizational operations.
Sustainability: We are sustainable in the delivery of services by being good financial stewards and innovative in our approaches to service delivery to the community.
Economic Opportunity: We are committed to strategically growing Wilsonville's economy providing economic opportunity for all.
Environmental Stewardship: We are good stewards of our environment by modeling practices and embracing policies that preserve and protect the natural environment.
Safety: We are committed to creating a safe, livable community for all by providing a physically safe environment and ensuring people feel psychologically safe.
These values serve as a lens through which each of the Council’s goals and staff work plans are to be evaluated. They functioned to guide the team in prioritizing and implementing the Council’s goals and more effectively providing services to the community.
2021-23 Council Goals
At a 2021 goal-setting workshop, the Wilsonville City Council identified and prioritized seven broad two-year goals, informed by current conditions, challenges and opportunities.
Goal 1:
Increase mobility for all in Wilsonville
Goal 2:
Support local business recovery post-pandemic
Goal 3:
Expand homeownership for lower income levels and first-time home buyers
Goal 4:
Attract high-quality industry and economic opportunity to Wilsonville
Goal 5:
Align infrastructure plans with sustainable financing sources
Goal 6:
Engage the community to support emergency preparedness and resiliency
Goal 7:
Protect Wilsonville's environment and increase access to sustainable lifestyle choices
In support of City Council goals, City staff identified 25 strategies, which have been prioritized and are being implemented as resources allow. Project leads have been assigned for each strategy, and potential partnerships identified. Progress toward these goals is updated quarterly on the City’s website.
Boards & Commissions
The City Council and City staff rely heavily upon those individuals who serve as volunteers on the City’s Boards and Commissions.
Qualified applicants are interviewed and recommended for appointment by Mayor Fitzgerald; each is confirmed by a majority vote of the City Council.
Thanks to the following individuals for the insight, innovation and oversight that they provide to ensure that the City’s programs meet the community’s greatest needs.
Budget Committee:
Katie Hamm, Alicia Moulton, Shawn O’Neil, Synthea Russell, Sam Scull (Chair)
*Also includes City Council
Kitakata Sister City Advisory Board
Adrienne Phillips, Aaron Reyna (Vice Chair), Tracy Sailors, Sammy Scarpone, Dave Schalk, Seiji Shiratori, Ashleigh Sumerlin (Chair), Susan Raxter (Emeritus), Lois Reimer (Emeritus), Bev Schalk (Emeritus)
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Amanda Aird, Jim Barnes (Chair), Dahe Chen, Daniel Christensen (Vice Chair), Amanda Harmon, Jennifer Link Raschko, Steve Werts
Arts, Culture & Heritage Commission
Mayor Julie Fitzgerald (Ex-Officio), David Altman, Joan Carlson, Jason Jones, Benjamin Mefford, Susan Schenk, Angela Sims, Elaine Swyt, Steven Traugh, Deborah Zundel
Development Review Board, Panel A
Rachelle Barrett, Daniel McKay (Vice Chair), Kathryn Neil, Jean Svadlenka (Chair), Ben Yacob
Development Review Board, Panel B
Jason Abernathy (Vice Chair), John Andrews, Katherine Dunwell, Nicole Hendrix (Chair), Michael Horn
Planning Commission
Olive Gallagher, Ronald Heberlein (Chair), Andrew Karr, Kamran Mesbah, Breanne Tusinski, Jennifer Willard (Vice Chair)
Tourism Promotion Committee
Lin Anderson, Jennifer Gage, Al Levit, Elaine Owen, Lizabeth Price (Chair), Brandon Roben, Rohit Sharma (Vice Chair)
Wilsonville-Metro Community Enhancement Committee
Gerrit Rosenthal – Metro (Ex-Officio), Dr. Joann Linville (City Council), Ben West (City Council), Amy Day (Chair), Natasha Hancock, Jordan Herron (Vice Chair), Sageera Oravil Abdulla Koya.
Library Board
Dick Spence, Natalie McNown, Richard Dougall {Chair), Yasmin Ismail (Vice Chair), Miriam Pinoli
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
Jay Edwards (Vice Chair), Malak El Manhawym, Luis Gonzalez, Imran Haider (Chair), Tracy Hester, Diane Imel, Santiago Landazuri, Camryn Lau, Joni McNeil, Erika Pham, Fay Gyapong-Porter, Sudeep Taksali